If you are looking for the latest on what's happening in the El Dorado National Forest check here. You can find information on closures, fire conditions, and the rules of the forest.
If you are looking for the latest on what's happening in the Tahoe National Forest check here. You can find information on closures, fire conditions, and the rules of the forest.
Lots of great information can be found here on anything related to California State Parks. Find and reserve camp sites, check for closures, get details on activities, and much more!
Need the latest on the Rubicon trail? Check here! Plus stay up on what's going on in El Dorado County. Sit in on board meetings and get the latest news.
Placer County is full of great resources. This site is one of them. For the latest check here.
Need information about your local OHV park? Or maybe your planning a trip out of you area. The California OHV Recreation site has all of the details. Also, this is where you can get your green sticker if you need one.